Dress for Success

Dress for Success

Your appearance can say a lot about you, so if you want a successful career in property, your wardrobe and grooming is something you should consider and manage carefully.

Remember: the first impression you make is with your appearance.

The property industry tends to have conservative dress expectations so to fit in and be successful, your dress sense and grooming should always be professional and classic.

Your work wardrobe needs to include:


  • At least two well-fitting suits. At least one of these should be in a darker colour.
  • At least three elegant tops, shirts or blouses.
  • A leather handbag and shoes.


  • At least two well-fitting business suits.
  • At least three business shirts.
  • At least three neckties.
  • Black leather shoes and a belt to match.

Most organisations will expect you to wear a suit and dress conservatively at work. That’s exactly the way you should dress for an interview.

There are a few don’ts as well. Plunging necklines, open toe shoes or bare shoulders are no-nos, and skirts should be knee-length. At the end of the day, you should look professional and ready to work.


Before you go to an interview or property meeting, you should pay attention to all facets of your grooming. You should:

  • Ensure your hair is looking neat and stylish.
  • Keep your makeup professional with light foundation and a neutral lipstick.
  • Wherever possible, cover tattoos before an interview. They can leave some interviewers with the wrong impression of you.
  • Keep your accessories simple and ensure they complement your outfit.
  • Remove any visible facial or body piercings before your interview.